Laws & Regulations

Korea Automobile Importers & Distributors Association (KAIDA) provides English translation service of domestic automobile-related laws and regulations.

Please refer to the list below for the translation currently in service, and contact for purchase inquiries.

Korean laws and regulations source:

Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport


Ministry of Environment


Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy


Ministry of Science and ICT



2.환경부 대기환경보전법 2.MOE AEPA (Atmospheric Environmental Preservation Act)
대기환경보전법시행령 AEPA Enforcement Ordinance
대기환경보전법시행규칙 AEPA Enforcement Regulation
소음진동관리법 NVCA (Noise Vibration Control Act)
소음진동관리법시행령 NVCA Enforcement Ordinance
소음진동관리법시행규칙 NVCA Enforcement Regulation
제작자동차인증및검사방법과절차등에관한규정 Regulations for Certification, Test Method and Procedure of Manufactured Motor Vehicles
제작자동차시험검사및절차에관한규정 Regulations for Test Procedure of Manufactured Motor Vehicles
자동차배출가스결함확인검사용자동차선정등에관한규정 In-use vehicle test and selection
수도권대기환경개선에관한특별법 (폐지) Special Act on Capital Region Air Quality Improvement (SACR)_Abolished
수도권대기환경개선에관한특별법시행령 (폐지) SACR Enforcement Ordinance_Abolished
수도권대기환경개선에관한특별법시행규칙 (폐지) SACR Enforcement Regulation_Abolished
2020년 연간 저공해자동차 보급목표 Annual LEV Supply Regulation for 2019
국립환경과학원 시험의뢰규칙 NIER Test Application Regulation
자동차배출가스등급산정방법에관한규정 Emission grade
자동차의 평균에너지소비효율, 온실가스 배출량 및 연료소비율 시험방법 등에 관한 고시 Regulations for Motor Vehicle Average Fuel Economy Standards, Greenhouse Gases Emission Standards, and Their Application and Management
에코이노베이션 기술에 의한 자동차 온실가스 배출 저감 및 에너지소비효율 개선 효과 인정 지침 Guideline for Eco-innovation technology
자동차 CO2 연동 「보조금-부담금 제도」도입 추진계획 Subsidy-Charge system plan
운행차 배출가스 검사 시행요령 등에 관한 규정+별표
별표 1 운행차 배출가스 시험방법 (제 5조 관련)
별표 2 운행차 소음측정방법 (제 6조 관련)
Regulation on Inspection Guidelines on Exhaust Gas of In-use Vehicles, Etc.
운행차 수시점검방법과 확인검사대행자 등록에 관한 규정 + 별표
[별표1]운행차 배출가스 측정방법
[별표2]운행차 소음측정방법 (제 6조 관련)
Regulation on Occasional Inspection for In-use Motor Vehicles and Registration of Verification Inspection Agent
운행자동차 배출가스저감장치·저공해엔진 인증방법 및 절차 등에 관한 규정 + 별표
[별표 2]배출가스저감 효율 등의 시험방법 (제 7조 제 1항 관련)
[별표 3]저공해엔진의 배출가스시험 및 내구주행시험방법 (제 7조 제 1항 관련)
[별표 3-1]교체용 배출가스 저감장치의 배출가스 저감효율 시험방법 (제 7조 제 1항 관련)
[별표 4]저감장치 실차내구 및 실차적용성 시험방법 (제 8조 제 1항 관련)
[별표 4-1]건설기계 저감장치 저감효율 시험 및 실차내구시험 등의 시험방법
Regulations on the methods and procedures for certification of emission reduction devices and low-emission engines intended for in-use vehicles
저공해자동차표지등에관한규정 Regulation on the Marks, etc. of Low-Emission Motor Vehicles
환경기술및환경산업지원법 Environmental Technology Industry Act
환경기술및환경산업지원법시행령 Enforcement Ordinance of the Environmental Technology Industry Act
환경기술및환경산업지원법시행규칙 Enforcement Regulation of the Environmental Technology Industry Act
환경개선비용 부담법 시행령 Enf. Ord. of the Env. Improvement Cost Liability Act
환경개선부담금 면제대상 자동차 등에 관한 규정 Reg. on Motor Vehicles Subject to Exemption of Env. Improvement Charges
환경측정기기의 형식승인·정도검사 등에 관한 고시
[별표1]환경측정기기 구조ㆍ성능 세부기준
[별표1의1]환경측정기기 정도검사 세부기준
[별표2]환경측정기기 성능시험방법
[별표2의1]환경측정기기 정도검사 방법
[별표3]검정방법 (제10조 관련)
[별표4]현지평가 세부사항(제13조 관련)
[별표5]환경측정기기 성능시험 및 정도검사 결과에 대한 품질(QAQC) 절차서
[별표6]환경측정기기 예비형식승인 기준 적합성 등에 관한 심의 절차
[별표7]환경측정기기 정도검사 주기
[별표7의1]환경측정기기 정도검사 주기
[별표8]환경측정기기 기준 검사실의 세부기준
Notification for Type Approval and Accuracy Inspection of Environmental Measuring Instruments
자동차총오염물질배출량산정방법에관한규정 Regulation on Calculation of Total Pollutant Emission of Vehicles
2019년도 환경친화적자동차 보급시행계획 Implementation Plan for Eco-friendly Vehicle Supply in 2019
제작사 기술인력 및 시설확인업무 처리지침 Guideline for In-house test staffs and facilities check (2011)
제작자동차업무관리규정 Regulations for work process regarding motor vehicles
전기자동차 보급대상 평가에 관한 규정 Regulations for evaluation for the subjects to supply of electric vehicles
2019년도 하이브리드자동차 구매보조금 지원사업 보조금 업무처리지침 Guideline for operating subsidy tasks for HEV,PHEV
대기관리권역의 대기환경개선에 관한 특별법 Special Act on Air Quality Improvement for Atmospheric Control Area
대기관리권역의 대기환경개선에 관한 특별법 시행령 Enf. Ord. of Special Act on Air Quality Improvement for Atmospheric Control Area
대기관리권역의 대기환경개선에 관한 특별법 시행규칙 Enf. Reg. of Special Act on Air Quality Improvement for Atmospheric Control Area
전기.전자제품 및 자동차의 자원순환에 관한 법률 Resource Recycling Act (RRA)
전기.전자제품 및 자동차의 자원순환에 관한 법률 시행령 Enforcement Ordinance of RRA
전기.전자제품 및 자동차의 자원순환에 관한 법률 시행규칙 Enforcement Regulation of RRA
전기.전자제품과 자동차의 유해물질 함유기준의 준수여부 확인 등에 관한 업무처리지침 Resource recycling verification guideline
자동차의 재활용정보제공통신망 Communication network for recycling information system (IDIS)
자원순환법 관련 Q&A 사례 ELV Q&A
자동차의 재활용가능률평가방법 Recyclability evaluation
재활용지정사업자의재활용지침 Recycling Guidelines for Designated Recycling Business Operators
자원의절약과재활용촉진에관한법률 Act on the Promotion of Saving and Recycling of Resources
자원의절약과재활용촉진에관한법률시행령 Enforcement Decree of the Act on Promotion of Saving and Recycling of Resources
자원의절약과재활용촉진에관한법률시행규칙 Enforcement Rule of the Act on Promotion of Saving and Recycling of Resources
화학물질의 등록 및 평가 등에 관한 법률 Act for Registration and Evaluation of Chemical Substance
화학물질의 등록 및 평가 등에 관한 법률 시행령 Enf. Ord. for Act Registration and Evaluation of Chemical Substance
화학물질의 등록 및 평가 등에 관한 법률 시행규칙 Enf. Reg. for Act for Registration and Evaluation of Chemical Substance
기존화학물질 Existing chemicals
제한물질·금지물질의 지정 Designation of restricted or prohibited substances
등록 또는 신고 면제대상 화학물질 Chemicals subjected to the exemption from the registration or report
화학물질 시험기관의 지정기준 및 관리기준 등에 관한 규정 Regulation for designation criteria and control standard for chemical substances testing agency-
자료보호신청서의 작성방법 및 보호자료 관리방법 등에 관한 규정 Regulations for preparation method of the application for data protection and control method of the protected data-
화학물질관리법 Chemicals Control Act
화학물질관리법 시행령 Enforcement Ordinance of Chemicals Control Act
화학물질관리법 시행규칙 Enforcement Regulation of Chemicals Control Act
등록신청자료의 작성방법 및 유해성심사 방법 등에 관한 규정 Regulations for procedures for registration application materials and hazard assessment
위해우려제품 지정 및 안전·표시기준 (폐지) Regulation for designation and safety identification of risk-concerned products_Abolished
안전확인대상생활화학제품 지정 및 안전•표시기준 Regulation for the Designation of Consumer Chemical Products subjected to Safety Check and the Safety
생활화학제품 및 살생물제의 안전관리에 관한 법률 Act for the Safety Control of Consumer Chemical Products and Biocidal Substances
생활화학제품 및 살생물제의 안전관리에 관한 법률 시행령 Enforcement Ordinance for Act for the Safety Control of Consumer Chemical Products and Biocidal Substances
생활화학제품 및 살생물제의 안전관리에 관한 법률 시행규칙 Enforcement Regulation for Act for the Safety Control of Consumer Chemical Products and Biocidal Substances

Terms of Service

    1. Translation of each law and regulation is not sold by article but as a whole only.

    2. Delivery and Cancellation of Purchase

    1) The purchaser will wire-transfer the amount above to the bank indicated above.

    2) Within 24 hours after KAIDA acknowledges the receipt of full payment,

    KAIDA will deliver the translation to the purchaser in a PDF document by sending the purchaser an email with the translation attached or providing the purchaser with a link to download the translation.

    3) The purchaser may cancel the purchase only before receiving the email with the translation attached or accessing the link to download the translation.

    After receiving the email or accessing the link, the purchase becomes final and non-cancellable. When the purchase is duly canceled, KAIDA will return all payments received from the purchaser for the translation.

    3. Copyrights and Limitation of Use

    1) Copyrights to the translation exclusively belong to KAIDA. Without KAIDA’s prior written consent, the purchaser (client name) shall not reproduce, lease, transmit, distribute, or make derivatives of, all or part of the translation.

    2) The translation is intended to be used by one having expertise in the field. While KAIDA exerted its best effort for accuracy of the translation, there may be unintended errors.

    The translation is provided as-is, and KAIDA does not assume any liability regarding such errors in the translation.

    3) The purchaser shall be the ultimate entity to use the translation. The purchaser shall not provide the translation to any third party by any means regardless of whether in return for any consideration or not.